Making Kin(((o))) !  - a manifesto (?) 觀察報告?

Donna Haraway提出Making kin(製造親緣)的概念,我們提議Making kino (製造電影/製造電影院),也該是一種建立人與人,人與其他物種,人與世界之間的連結,共生相存的演化方式。實驗電影人致力於音像語言的開發,亦是一種建立個人感官與外在世界聯結渠道的手作工程。
While Donna Haraway raised the idea of “making kin”, we propose the idea of “Making Kin(o)”! (making film, making cinema). The kin(o) culture is about interpersonal connection not only between experimental filmmakers, but also between humans, between beings, and between the individual and the cosmos. They build the tunnels between senses and between the outside worlds and the personal affects through new audio visual languages.

Contemporary experimental filmmakers live in the middle of the art world and the film industry. The fluidity to survive between institutions becomes our strength. With this strength, we are not only envisioning alternative self-sufficient visions of the world, but also making transmissions through different boundaries and making it a new context: the new network of Kin(o)!

Auteurism matters, so does co-creation (collaboration). Experimental film is not just a lonely journey of materiality or the cinema language. Experimentation is also crucial. Co-creation can be an occasional escape from the individualism of artistic context, or from the professionalism and efficiency of the labour division in commercial filmmaking modules. What makes it experimental is how friendships, conflicts, inter-inspiring, fun and playfulness transform the process

Kin(o) is a community initiated and run by the artist/filmmakers. A group of filmmakers, who share similar sentiments, form a collective. A collective does not need to be continually productive but rather restorative. It is important that a collective takes its own pace to meet their desired goals, or even, does not set goals at all.

Kin(o) performs their responsibilities while acquiring resources from institutions, but maintains their idealism as much as possible. Kin(o) shares resources. If one is invited to the table of resources, one makes the resources available to kin(o). However, no one should take other’s courtesy for granted.

Kin(o) finds new possibilities outside of the current industrial apparatus. Screenings/events are grassrooted and self-organized by the artists/filmmakers. Anywhere can become a cinema. The work will no longer be identified by countries, borders, awards, but by individuality of each work. There would be no lines between audiences and curators, the space is for image creators and the potential image creators build a substantial, stimulating field for circulating the possibilities of the moving images.

This Kin(o), as a space, is for one to cultivate/preserve/hide thoughts and ideas before a project is ready to grow. As individuals do not sync all the time, if a member decides to develop a new path, they are free to form another partnership or collective as they need and desire while still staying in the former collective. Beyond an interest club but not a cooperation, Kin(o) provides freedom and the energy one needs to create. 

後照鏡 ReaRflex
September 2021


